Interview with Dr. Emerson
… as one of the Pioneers Integrating Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Pre- and Perinatal Therapy in Cranial Wave; The Publication of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America, Spring 2010, p. 13.
Article by Dr. Emerson: The Vulnerable Prenate
Reprinted from: Int. J. Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 3, pgs. 271-284.
From the article: “Theory and research from the last 20 years indicates that prenatal experiences can be remembered, and have lifelong impact. The major purpose of this article is to clarify the conditions under which prenatal experiences may be lifelong and to describe the theoretical and research perspectives that are necessary to understand the effects of prenatal traumatization.”
APPPAH – Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health
“APPPAH educates professionals and the public, worldwide, that a baby’s experience of conception, pregnancy, and birth creates lifelong consequences for individuals, families, and society. As a result of scientific discoveries and continually emerging evidence, we know babies are conscious and sentient beings.”
Somatotropic Therapy, by William R. Emerson, Ph.D.
Article from: Journal of Heart-Centered Therapies, 2002, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 65-90 2002
From the article: “As trauma and their secondary affects are resolved, the tenets of the old belief systems begin to shift and loosen their grip on dysfunctional facets of the personality. New choices become available and awareness starts to grow exponentially.”